


Taiwan's National Day is characterized by a series of nationwide patriotic events and ceremonies.

台灣國慶日 會舉辦一系列的國慶活動與儀式


The following activities are typically held on October 10th:


1.-Morning flag raising ceremonies at prominent landmarks accompanied by the singing or instrumental rendition of the national anthem.  

隨著國歌與樂器的伴奏下, 晨間升旗典禮在總統府前正式開始。


2. -Large scale military parade featuring upwards of 1,000 military personnel, dozens of military aircraft and vehicles.

在大規模的閱兵儀式上, 擁有上千的軍人隊伍和眾多的軍機與戰車。


3.-The president will generally address the public at a public venue with tight security. On hand there may be prominent foreign dignitaries to hear his rousing speech about moving the nation forward economically and politically with the aid of these foreign allies

在嚴密的防衛措施下, 總統將會在發表國慶演說。請外國大使團出席, 一起聆聽總統在盟國的幫助下, 如何推動全國經濟與政治。


4.-Another common occurrence on auspicious dates such as 10/10 is mass marriages. Many couples wed on these prominent dates especially if they are an anniversary of a significant event

集體結婚也是在國慶日常見的喜事, 許多新人喜歡在這著名的日子結婚,是因為能夠凸顯他們的週年紀念日的重要性



 1. patriotic愛國的

 2. flag raising ceremony升旗典禮

 3. national anthem國歌

 4. military parade閱兵

 5. military personnel軍事人員

 6. public venue公共場所

 7. foreign dignitaries外國大使團

 8. allies盟國

 9. auspicious dates吉日

 10. mass marriage集體結婚



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