英國街頭雜誌 The Big Issue... Monica lives in Ipswich and travels by train 4 days a week to Bury St.Edmunds to sell her Big Issues. She does this, she says, because there are many Big Issue vendors in Ipswich. She is Romanian, is only 19 or 20 years old, and has 4 children aged 5 or under. She is part of an extended and devoted family group. She lives in a house with 10 to 12 family members. She and her husband and 4 children live in one room. The 2 youngest, aged 1 and 2, share a cot, and this leads to many problems. Monica often sleeps on the floor. Monica's dream is to have a house just for her family of 6. I like and admire Monica because she is steadfast in working hard selling her Big Issues. She stands near Waitrose car park, in an alleyway which is often a wind channel, sometimes icy cold. She is always pleasant, and likes a chat. Recently an aunt of hers in Romania died quite suddenly, and the aunt's 16-year-old disabled son has now come to live with them all in Ipswich. My local vendor is Cled who works outside Pret a Manger at Holborn (opp. Procter Street, WC1). He sleeps on friends’ floors and rides on the night buses. We have talked about him going to college in 2011 (as a mature student) but he doesn’t know where to start. He tells me he is educated to O level standard so I said I thought there may be “access” courses for which he may be suitable? (原文出處:http://www.bigissue.com/Hopes___Dreams_Campaign_110.php) The organisation currently supports over 2900 homeless and vulnerably housed people across the country. The magazine is read by over 670,000 people every week throughout the UK*.
The Big Issue 是一份源起於英國倫敦的週刊雜誌,創立於1991年,內容涵蓋時事、社會議題、文化、娛樂等。英國有這麼多雜誌、大報小報,為什麼要特別介紹這本雜誌呢?
事實上,The Big Issue 特別之處在於,它是一個社會企業(social Business),
因為這份雜誌是專門由街友(homeless and vulnerably housed people )販售。
除此之外,它們也透過此雜誌讓許多街友(這些相對弱勢族群) 的心聲被聽到被幫助。
譬如說,2011年1月最新一期的The Big Issue即以 "What do vendors dream of ?"的主題呈現,
雜誌在前一段時間即在網站上發起一個名為 "the Hopes and Dreams Campaign",
The Big Issue 邀請讀者訪問身邊販賣雜誌的街友,他們對於未來的夢想是甚麼?
The Big Issue 不只在英國六大地區有不同的版本,在澳洲、日本等九個國家也有不同版本販售。
台灣也在2010年4月取得The Big Issue 中文版授權,
目前在台北各大捷運站出口都可以看到街友拿著當期的The Big Issue中文版販售~
建議有興趣的朋友可以至The Big Issue中文版的網站看看當期的主題摘要,如果喜歡的話,
台灣將The Big Issue翻譯成 大誌雜誌,
"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" 是我們送給這個世代的箴言,
同時也是這本雜誌的核心精神。它來自Steve Job 在2005年史丹佛大學演講時的結尾,
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.
--- The Big Issue大誌雜誌總編輯 李取中
關於The Big Issue的創立&介紹原文如下,有興趣的朋友可以來看看順便練習英文吧~
The Big Issue was launched in 1991 by Gordon Roddick and A. John Bird in response to the growing number of rough sleepers on the streets of London. Roddick, who also co-founded The Body Shop, was inspired by a newspaper called Street News, which was sold on the streets of New York. Upon his return from America he enlisted the help of Bird, who had experience in the print trade and who had himself slept rough. The two believed that the key to solving the problem of homelessness lay in helping people to help themselves, and were therefore determined to offer a legitimate alternative to begging.
The Big Issue is one of the UK’s leading social businesses, which seventeen years since its inception continues to offer homeless and vulnerably housed people the opportunity to earn a legitimate income.
The organisation is made up of two parts; a limited company which produces and distributes a magazine to a network of street vendors, and a registered charity which exists to help those vendors gain control of their lives by addressing the issues which have contributed to their homelessness.
The Big Issue Company publishes a weekly entertainment and current affairs magazine, which Big Issue sellers (or vendors) buy for £1 and sell for £2, thereby earning 85p per copy. Any post investment profit generated through the sale of the magazine or the sale of advertising is passed on to our charity, The Big Issue Foundation. The Foundation is also reliant upon donations from the public to fund its crucial work with vendors.
The Big Issue 英國網站:http://www.bigissue.com/Home_1.php
The Big Issue Taiwan 台灣網站:http://www.bigissue.tw/
- Jan 12 Wed 2011 10:00
【英國文化】英國街頭雜誌The Big Issue