
Lying between Japan's southern Ryukyu Islands and the Philippines, this mountainous island nutures a population descended from Han Chinese (partly Fujianese and Hakka) and aborigine.
The Taiwanese people have put out the welcome mat for the world to discover their colorful temples, traditional festivals, lively processions, hot springs and spas, one very tall skyscraper, and shops carrying herbal medicines and high-tech gadgets.
可運用在 IELTS的生字:
mountainous island 多山的島嶼
aborigine /ˈæbə'rɪdʒənɪ/ (n.) 原住民
skyscraper /'skaɪˈskrepɚ/ (n.) 摩天大樓
herbal medicines (n.) 中藥,草藥
high-tech gadgets (n.) 高科技產品
The island's political, economic and cultural heart, Taipei sits inland from Taiwan's northern coast, filling a wide basin backed by mountains. It's record-setting skyscraper Taipei 101 surveys the sprawling metropolis from an 89-floors-high observatory.
Colorful Longshan Temple(龍山寺) permits a peek into past imperial-era religion.
Countless night markets entice experts and the uninitiated to taste a mind-boggling array of edible inventions....
可運用在 IELTS的生字:
record-setting (adj.) 創紀錄的
sprawling /'sprɔlɪŋ/ (adj.) spreading in an untidy way 蔓延廣大的
permits a peek into... 藉此窺看 (peek(n.)指窺看之意,在此可用為藉此一探究竟之意)
countless (adj.) 數不清的
the uninitiated /ˈʌnɪ'nɪʃɪˈetɪd/ (n.) 外行,門外漢
mind-boggling (adj.) very difficult to imagine or to understand; extremely surprising; startling 令人想像不到的,難以想像的
Taichung is a pleasant city known for teahouses, well-regarded museums and fine weather. Its historical capital, the coastal city of Lugang(鹿港), is home to atmospheric temples and Qing-era(清朝) architecture.
In the green foothills farther east, turquoise-blue Sun Moon Lake (日月潭)serves up a non-stop feast of boating, bicycling, and temple touring.
Farther south Alishan Recreation Area's (阿里山森林遊樂區) allure is its beloved sea of clouds sunrise, while nearby Yushan National Park(玉山國家公園) preserves perhaps the best piece of wilderness on the island.
可運用在 IELTS的生字:
well-regarded (adj.) 備受推崇的
atmospheric /ˈætmə'sfɛrɪk/ (adj.) creating an exciting or emotional mood 有感染力的(Ex: atmospheric music)
foothills [ˈfʊtˌhɪlz] (n.) 山麓丘陵
allure /ə'lur/ (n.) the quality of being attractive and exciting 吸引點 (用於寫作上)
Taiwan's southern tip hosts tropical Kenting, whose golden sand beaches and lush junglescapes rapidly give way to Mount Northern Dawu (北大武山), Taiwan's southernmost peak above 3000m/9842ft.
The central Mountains continue northward through the villages of Sandimen, Maolin and Namasia where aboriginals dwell amid winding rivers, lofty mountains and valleys filled with exotic butterflies.
可運用在 IELTS的生字:
lush (adj) 此指草木茂盛的,也有華麗舒適之意
northward (adv.) 向北的,往北的 (可當adj., adv.或n.)
exotic /ɪg'zɑtɪk/ (adj.) 異國風味的
Far from the congested cities lining western Taiwan, the island's East Coast boasts a rugged beauty, a land of strong aboriginal heritage where mountains and valleys meet the sea.
Dramatic coastline dotted with striking rock formations connects the area's two main cities, the laid-back marble city of Hualien to the north and Taitung, home to Taiwan's first archaeological park, to the south.
Just inland, the fertile East Rift Valley(花東縱谷) unfurls a dazzling patchwork of farmland supporting crops of rice, pineapple, betel nut and tea.
可運用在 IELTS的生字:
congested /kən'dʒɛstɪd/ (adj.) 擁擠的,(交通)堵塞的
rugged /'rʌgɪd/ (adj.) 崎嶇不平的,多岩石的
coastline /'kostˈlaɪn/ (n.) 海岸線,沿海地帶
fertile /'fɝtḷ/ (adj.) 肥沃的,富饒的
dazzling /'dæzḷ/ (adj.) 目眩神怡的
--------- (以上英文原文節錄自Michelin Green Guide Taiwan ) ----------
延伸相關的 IELTS 雅思口說題目:
Part 1:
What's your hometown like ?
Can you describe your hometown ?
What is your city famous for ?
What should a tourist do if they visit your city?
Describe the geography of your country.
Part 2 口試主題卡:
Describe a famous place in your country.
You should say:
Where it is
What it's famous for
Who visits the place
and explain how/why it become famous.
Describe your favorite city.
You should say:
Where the place is
What you can do there
What makes it different from other cities
and explain why you like it
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