a? the? 傻傻分不清
a與the在英文裡面的使用率極高, 絕對是英文裡面的小主角, a/the 的差異性與使用方法, 劍橋語文中心- Josh老師在此為大家分析。
"A" is used to refer to general or non specific objects.
"The" is used when referencing an aforementioned object, a well known person, thing or location
“The”用在同一個句子曾出現過的名詞, 或者是特定的, 有名的人事物或地點。
A large man lived in A house near THE TAOYUAN airport. One day he walked into his living room and sat on A chair. THE man didn't realize that on THE chair was A cat. As he sat down THE cat let out a scream and ran out of THE room. Fortunately THE cat was not injured.
*TAOYUAN airport是特定的,有名的 所以要用the.
劍橋台北語文中心(www.ielts.com)會不定時分享英文學習小錦囊! 如果您有想知道的英文文法/字彙問題 歡迎透過留言或是email給我們唷! cambridgetaipei@ielts.com