下面這個雅思口說Part 2 的主題卡:
Describe a natural disaster that occurred in your country.
You should say:
● what happend
● what effect it had on your country
● what was done about it
and explan what made it so devastating
(註:在雅思IELTS的口說考試中,共分成三大部分,難度會由淺入深。其中在part 2 時,外籍主考官會給考生如上述的一個主題卡(topic card),考生有1分鐘的時間作筆記,之後針對主題對主考官發表2分鐘的演說。對於雅思考試架構想更進一步了解的同學可點這裡)
事實上,如果是我的話,大概就蹦出諸如typhoon, brings a lot of rain, floods...等,就不知道該說甚麼了~
像environment / natural disaster 的議題,我們可以從國外的報紙中去搜尋相關文章,
1. 此篇文章 摘錄自英國衛報(The Guardian)11/18的網路報導,談到在英國Cornwall這個城鎮因暴雨淹水的問題(原文出處:http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/nov/18/cornwall-flash-floods-weather?intcmp=239)
2. 我們將可運用的單字標示為藍色,可運用的句型標為綠色。
Cornwall mops up after devastating flash floods
• Operation will last for months and cost millions
• Hundreds of residents driven from their homes

A multimillion-pound mopping-up operation was today under way in Cornwall after flash floods forced hundreds of people from their homes and devastated businesses. All the flood and severe weather warnings for the area were lifted as the clean-up and recriminations continued.
Environment ministers are expected to make a statement to parliament, setting out extra support for some of the worst-hit areas. The government faces criticism for cutting funding for flood defences, but promised yesterday that it would do all it could to restore towns and villages wrecked by the deluge.
Agencies including the Met Office, the Environment Agency and Cornwall council also faced questions over whether they had given sufficient warning of the downpour and been well enough prepared to cope with the aftermath. Lord Smith, the chairman of the Environment Agency, warned that future flood defence works might be hampered by a tight funding settlement.
Speaking to BBC Radio 4's Today programme, he said: "The good news is that now the flood waters are receding in Cornwall and now the clean-up operation has to get under way." But he added: "Where we will have difficulty, I fear, over the coming couple of years is in starting new flood defences that might have been possible."
Hundreds of residents spent last night in emergency accommodation after being evacuated from their homes.
1. devastating flash floods
● devastate /'dɛvəˈstet/ (v.) 摧毀,devastating為形容詞(adj.),在這邊就是指很嚴重的水災,像台灣多颱風,也可以用來形容災情慘重的颱風:a devastating typhoon.
● flash floods則指因驟雨而釀成的水災,像台灣夏天常有午後雷陣雨造成大淹水,就可以用flash floods囉!
2. mopping-up operations (n.) 清掃行動
mop 這個單字是"拖把"的意思,mop up 原為"擦去"之意,延伸出mopping-up operations就是指淹水過後的清掃行動。
不過mopping-up operations也有"肅清"的意思,譬如說針對叛亂和反動人士的肅清行動。
3. severe (adj.) /sə'vɪr/ 十分嚴重的、嚴峻的

Ex: The severest(=coldest) winter for 5 years. 五年來最寒冷的冬天
4. worst-hit areas (n.) 災情慘重的地區
5. flood defences (n.) 防洪
6. aftermath (n.) /'æftɚˈmæθ/ (戰爭、不幸事件造成的) 後果、餘波
Ex: The government should do more to cope with the aftermath of floods (the earthquake).
7. be evacuated from + n. (片語) 被疏散,從...被撤離
Ex: Hundreds of residents spent last night in emergency accommodation after being evacuated from their homes.數以百計的居民在昨晚從家裡撤離至緊急居所。
1. ...to restore towns and villages wrecked by the deluge.
● be wrecked by + n. 受到嚴重損害
● deluge (n.) /'dɛljudʒ/ 暴雨造成的水災 = a severe flood
2.to cope with + n.
處理、應付(某事) = to deal with
3. be hampered by + n. 被...阻礙 / 牽制
flood defence works might be hampered by a tight funding settlement.
4. the flood waters are receding 水漸漸退了
recede (v.) /rɪ'sid/ 漸漸遠去,消退
recede也可用來形容"前額"的禿頭(因為是往後消退),Ex: His hair beginning to recede from his forehead.
● 要如何說 「XX颱風重擊台灣」呢?
Typhoon XX strikes / batters / hits Taiwan.
本週六(11/20) 劍喬台北有資深雅思Mike老師主講的「破解口吃---雅思口說訓練講座」
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