這次Josh老師逛到了台南, 他眼中的台南讓我們一起跟著他的文章逛逛台南
Tainan- Taiwan's first city
A weekend trip took me down south to Tainan. Here are some of my observations.
這次Josh老師逛到了台南, 他眼中的台南讓我們一起跟著他的文章逛逛台南
Tainan- Taiwan's first city
A weekend trip took me down south to Tainan. Here are some of my observations.
【Josh老師幫幫忙IELTS Writing Tsak 1】
對許多學生來說, 面對寫作Tsak 1是很有挑戰性的. 該怎麼去明確的表達並呈現出完整的邏輯
Josh老師示範了篇文章, 讓你面對類似的圖表可以勇敢應對!
For many students a Task1 essay about maps can be very challenging. Where should you begin? How can you organize your points logically? The following sample essay can be helpful in getting a decent score
IELTS英文開口說(二) - English speaking tips
天氣是Speaking Part 1最常出的考試主題之一。簡單的問題, 不同分數的回答, 快快看過來~~~
Q: What's the weather like in your country?(你國家的天氣如何)
Over the past few weeks an unusual sound has been heard in the streets throughout Taiwan- the sound of sound cars, random street rallies and firecrackers. It's election time again in Taiwan. To the Western observer some of these practices may seem a little outdated, some similar to the election campaigns of the 1950's in America.
While politicians in the US seem bent on discrediting the reputation of their rivals, Taiwan candidates seem to be a bit milder in their approach. Most of these political hopefuls are pictured against a scenic grove of trees holding a young child. Many times it seems these pictures were taken several years ago or have undergone a lot of Photoshop editing because when seen in person the candidate doesn't always look as good as his portrait.